and Allstar Microelectronics, Inc. are not associated with "", "Allstar Marketing Group" or """".
Phone Numbers: and Allstar Microelectronics, Inc. only have the following phone numbers:
(949) 682-1306, (949) 546-0888, (888) 728-7203
(949) 546-0898 – fax and Allstar Microelectronics, Inc. do not have phone numbers with area code “714” or other numbers. If you receive a credit application with phone numbers other than the above numbers, it is not from us.
Company Name and Address:
Our invoice always has “” printed at the company name area. Invoice with a company name of “Allstarshop” is NOT from us.
The street address of is “30191A Avenida de las Banderas, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688”. If the address on your credit application different from our address, for example, only showing “30191 Avenida de las Banderas ”, it is not from and Allstar Microelectronics, Inc.
Not an Employee and Allstar Microelectronics, Inc. do not have employees by the name of “Nelson Lim”, “Kimberly Lim”, "Charles Reynolds" and "Charles Lee" . and Allstar Microelectronics, Inc. are in no way connected or linked with Nelson Lim, Kimberly Lim, Charles Reynolds or Charles Lee.
If you have more questions about, please contact us at 949-682-1306 during our office hours.