While other brands are of non-closure type and no outside air is taken in, the closure design of a Lian Li`s unit is comprised of an upper and a lower portion so that the air cooler from the surrounding area may be sucked inside and the unit can have a 100% cooling effect. Lian Li`s unit has a specially designed lower or bottom portion, which allows no disassembling of the bottom panel when the hard disk drive is installed. Also, no adjustment to the height is needed.
The Lian Li PC-50 USB case is constructed out of aluminum while most cases on the market are constructed out of steel. Not only is this case a lot lighter, but it also keeps the components inside a lot cooler thanks to the aluminum construction. It’s like having a giant heat sink for your components. With the 2 USB ports in the front, plugging peripherals to the case is a lot easier. The build of this case is top notch. All surfaces were clean and polished, another testament to the quality of this case.